
Knowledge works!

Sales people need to sell. Good products and a good sales spirit are not enough. In order to be successful in Sales you need to have and use a powerful knowledge base.

Enthused customers are an important success factor in Sales. But how do you get their enthusiasm? Blunt promises and rhetorical skills are not enough. Most of the customers are well informed about your products and the competition thus they want to be convinced by emotional arguments and sales stories.

Thus you need to build a bridge between the facts & figures of your product and the individual buying motives of your customer.

Therefore you need to have an extensive know-how in the following 3 areas:

  • Products: You need to know the details and the Unique Value Proposition (UVP) of your offer by heart. They are the basis to the buying decision of your customer.
  • Customer: You need to know his/ her wishes and needs. What do they expect of you and your solution? Here you can position yourself emotionally and win the heart of the customer.
  • Communication: You need to use your communication skills to successfully combine your offer advantages with the needs off the customer. Communication know-how is the basis of successful selling!

If you can handle this ?fit? of hard and soft facts can be self-assured of many successful closings of deals.

© beringold 2016